S.I.R. Webbing, Inc.

2018 Outstanding supplier of the year
- AGM Container Co -
Brooklyn, New York native Samuel I. Reiner founded S.I.R. Webbing, Inc. in 1974.
Our webbing is used in a myriad of industries. We sell webbing for seatbelts to the automobile industry as well as to the gun case and holster industries. Our customers include the medical supply industry for supplies such as harnesses and straps with buckles for wheelchairs, gurneys, and all restraints. Our webbing can be used for saddle and tack, duffle, tote and handbags, along with military straps with buckles needed for many types of military equipment. We also sell webbing for elastic belts with buckles, police and animal harnesses, tie-downs for tarps, tie-downs for tents, and sporting safety straps. These are just a few examples of the industries and their products that have uses for our webbing. If your company is in need of any of these items think of S.I.R. Webbing, Inc. for all your webbing needs.